Laughter Coaching

Laughter Coaching

Laughter Coaching runs over 6-8 weeks with daily telephone support and encouraging laughter. The programme is either organised as in-person sessions or online sessions via Skype or alternative video conference services.

The programme is aimed at releasing old patterns and conditioning about why and how we are allowed to laugh as adults

By replacing old negative patterns with positive rewiring in the brain you become creative, motivated, energetic, and feel more healthy altogether.

All the effects of laughter therapy and laughter coaching branch into all areas of life. It enables you to cope with situations, people, and challenges from a positive perspective instead of a troublesome outlook.

If you follow the programme, you will notice after the 8-week programme that your breathing, laughter, health, relationships, creativity, motivation, joyfulness, wellbeing, productivity and lots of other things we often take for granted, have improved significantly. Well worth it!


  • Laughter Coaching 8-week Programme £400
  • Laughter Coaching 8-week Programme £320 SPECIAL OFFER UNTIL 31/3-2016

To book your 8-week programme please call 0800 1214 714 or mobile 07736 341 717 or email us.

For information about our training programmes, workshop, other types of services relating to personal and professional development, improvement and change, please contact us on email, phone 0800 1214 714 or mobile 07736 341 717.